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  • Writer's pictureJanet Few

Free Talk - A Few Forgotten Women Online for International Women's Day Session 3 News

Our third and final free Zoom talk for International Women's Day begins at 7.30pm GMT.

This time, the short presentations will include Gleanings from Coroners’ Cases: the dangers of childhood. Just to warn you, this session contains accounts of accidents to children. It will encompass Disability, Domestic Abuse, Lawbreaking, Mental Health, Murder and Sickness. Next, an account of the Leighton sisters, a story that takes a look at asylum records, amongst other things. Finally, we will introduce you to the first of our women from St. Joseph's Inebriate Reformatory, Bridget Carroll. The Reformatory is to be the focus of our A Few Forgotten Women Friday on 24 March. We will finish with plenty of time for discussion and questions.


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