On 10 June A Few Forgotten Women will be working with The Mount School in York and the Rowntree Foundation, as part of the York Festival of Ideas. We will be helping volunteers to trace women connected to the Mount School and some of those who served with the Voluntary Aid Detachment in World War 1. Members of our team will also be taking part in a panel discussion, at 10am on Saturday 10 June, on Rediscovering Women's Lives, you can book for this here.
We have just published Amy Beatrice Prickman's story, which also explains some of the background to researching those who worked under the umbrella of the VAD. You can find Amy Beatrice's story by scrolling down on our New Stories page or looking at our Women at War page, which also contains resources for researching women's contributions in wartime.
VAD nurses at Gledhow Hall 1915
Image in the public domain